Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Carnival of Space-The Musical!

On 9/27/07 the traveling "Carnival of Space" will be pitching tent at www.wanderingspace.net. I've made 3 pieces especially for the carnival. The first two have been combined with a little expositionary dialogue to make a radio drama we'll call "Carnival of Space-The Intro." Play it in the embedded player below, why don't cha?

If I get around to it or if I have any requests I'll be putting up the two musical parts separately for folks to also use as they please in podcasts, film, blogs, etc. I also made a funky lil' space jam we'll call "Carnival of Space-Funky Fresh" because that's what it is. Dig it in that funky embedded player below.

To some folks "Space music" is a sort of sub-genre of ambient music (for more see Wikipedia "Space Music)." I'm not sure how many sub-genres should be made of ambient music, which is fairly minimalistic with not a lot happening, but I do like some of this stuff. And it is fun to make. Back when I was first discovering the joys of listening to podcasts and when I used to operate a machine on a factory floor I discovered and enjoyed a particular space music podcast made by a groovy dude in the Netherlands. Here's a link to his latest website :http://spacemusic.nl/Podcast.html

Some people like to have this type of thing just playing in the background as they relax, meditate, enter data in spread sheets, make sweet sweet space love, or launch into actual outer space. Of course space music also serves a purpose in space films, whether they be fictional of non-fiction.

I've made a bunch of music I think people could describe as space music. Below are a few examples. You may need to "allow pop-ups" to play these songs, and you might want to open the player in another window or tab. As always these songs are available for free through Soundclick.
  1. Science Nature Space 23

  2. Space Music Boot Strap 2nd Draft

  3. Gonna Be Swell

  4. Hillbillyspace

  5. Openended

  6. Space Age Theme

  7. Undertow
Oh yeah, if you want to hear some more music you can go to my website PodcastTroubadour.com where I've got most of my recent and not so recent stuff. A wide range of music that could be described as Funky, Quirky, Ambient, Pretty, Silly, Soundtrack, Instrumental, and stuff I've made for specific purposes like podcasters. You'll see below I've recently been having some luck and fun making songs for the Tom Green Show, but if you go back to the older posts you'll see I've made music for a bunch of different podcasters.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

New Video for "Shiny Shiny Tin Foil"

Tom Green in Shiny Shiny Tin Foil

This is a video I made using clips from the Tom Green show, The song is by me. If you vote for it, I think it actually counts at "Funny or Die", which blows my mind. I'd like to make another video with clips from Tom Green Show viewers, and maybe this will inspire folks to film some cool tin foil shenanigans.

I'm thinking marchers, runners, swimmers, skiers, skaters, bikers, bartenders in tin foil. Tin Foil people working at McDonalds. Tin Foil army in the night with shiny lights on them. Tin foil people on the streets. Mothers yelling at their fully grown children not to wear tin foil (acting please). Etc Etc. If you make clips to include in the viewers video leave a comment here and include how I can get your video.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Year of the Mustache - The YouTube Video

Tom made this video of the song I made for the show. He made the video live during his show. My wife Michelle and I edited the video and put it up on Youtube. Tom sorta told me to. So here it is. For all the national internets to enjoy.

So now that we know how to edit video and post video we'll soon make a new video for another song I made for the show, "Shiny Shiny Tin Foil." Anyone with Tin Foil footage, please leave a comment below or email me at JeffShields@PodcastTroubadour.com.

Also, If anyone would like the MP3 of the song you can also email at JeffShields@PodcastTroubadour.com and I'll send you a copy.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Completely Different Tin Foil Song

Shin Shiny Tin Foil Gang

Deputy Alsoknownas made a video using my first tin foil song. I think the video is pretty dang cool but I thought I could do better in the music department. This morning I made a better tin foil song called "Shiny Shiny Tin Foil"

"Shiny Shiny Tin Foil"
You can click on the Player to hear the song. I hope he can use the new song. Anyone is welcome to use the song in video. You can download it from Soundclick for free.

It has been a very exciting and happy week for me. It's very inspiring to make music that I'm pretty sure someone will hear. It was super cool having Tom be nice to me on Skype and seeing him play the heck out of my "Year of the Mustache" song. I woke this morning farting around making a slower acousticky version of "Year of the Mustache." Anybody got any extra lyrical suggestions?